So, what should I wear?
Leadership Sessions at Hotel Van Zandt
The city’s unofficial slogan is “Keep Austin weird,” but keep your clothing professional—this is not the time for shorts and T-shirts. Please pull from the nicer side of your closet.
For women, we suggest slacks or a skirt with a blouse or nice top; dress; nice sandals or shoes. For men, we recommend lightweight dress pants, khakis; shirt with a collar and buttons (e.g., golf shirt, short-sleeved button-up shirt, or dress shirt).
Awards Dinner at Inn Cahoots
Nothing fancy is required, but if you feel like stepping up your game, go for it! For women, we suggest a sundress or cocktail dress; skirt or dress jeans with a dressy top; heels or stylish sandals. For men, we recommend lightweight dress pants or khakis; shirt with a collar and buttons (e.g., short-sleeved button-up shirt, or dress shirt); jacket optional.
Mandatory “Free” Time
Activities are casual and shorts appropriate. You will have time to change and get refreshed back in your room before dinner.
Dinner & Dancing at Bangers
This is the night to bring out your western style. There will be two-stepping and line dancing, so wear your dancing boots. For women, we suggest nice jeans with a casual top, sundress; dancing shoes. For men, we recommend nice jeans or khakis; shirt with a collar and buttons (e.g., golf shirt, short-sleeved button-up shirt, or dress shirt); casual shoes.