Questions? We're here to help.

So, what should I wear?

Leadership Sessions at Hotel Van Zandt

The city’s unofficial slogan is “Keep Austin weird,” but keep your clothing professional—this is not the time for shorts and T-shirts. Please pull from the nicer side of your closet. 

For women, we suggest slacks or a skirt with a blouse or nice top; dress; nice sandals or shoes. For men, we recommend lightweight dress pants, khakis; shirt with a collar and buttons (e.g., golf shirt, short-sleeved button-up shirt, or dress shirt).

Awards Dinner at Inn Cahoots

Nothing fancy is required, but if you feel like stepping up your game, go for it! For women, we suggest a sundress or cocktail dress; skirt or dress jeans with a dressy top; heels or stylish sandals. For men, we recommend lightweight dress pants or khakis; shirt with a collar and buttons (e.g., short-sleeved button-up shirt, or dress shirt); jacket optional.

Mandatory “Free” Time

Activities are casual and shorts appropriate. You will have time to change and get refreshed back in your room before dinner.

Dinner & Dancing at Bangers

This is the night to bring out your western style. There will be two-stepping and line dancing, so wear your dancing boots. For women, we suggest nice jeans with a casual top, sundress; dancing shoes. For men, we recommend nice jeans or khakis; shirt with a collar and buttons (e.g., golf shirt, short-sleeved button-up shirt, or dress shirt); casual shoes.

Can I bring a spouse or friend to the retreat?

No. This is a working retreat. Family or friends may not stay in your hotel room or attend events while the retreat is in session. 

Will I need to pay for meals or lodging?

Airport snacks are on you, but we will keep you plenty fed while you are in Austin. Lunch will be waiting for when you arrive at the hotel in Austin. Throughout the retreat, food is provided before and during the leadership sessions and at all evening social events. Your lodging is paid for, but you will be billed for any room-service charges you incur. We have put an abundance of thought into planning the food and beverage for this retreat, so charges to your company credit card for meals or expenses will not be approved. 

What about parking at the airport?

You will be reimbursed for airport parking as long as you park in one of the long-term surface lots, such as Red, Blue, or Green. If you prefer to use a rideshare service, reach out to Dawn Russell for the Uber code. If you live near coworkers, consider carpooling.

Can I check my bag?

Because there is a connecting flight to Austin, we recommend you minimize the risk of missing luggage by not checking your bag. You are allowed one carry on bag in addition to a personal item, such as a backpack or purse. If you cannot fit all your items in one carry on, or the airline forces you to check your bag, please communicate with Susan when you go to collect your bag at the airport so you don’t get left behind. 

Where do I go when I arrive?

When you land in Austin, there will be a shuttle waiting to take you to the hotel. Susan and Bethany will lead the group. If you get separated from the group and miss the shuttle, take an Uber to the hotel.

What about returning to work after the retreat?

The flights back to Columbus on Wednesday will land in the evening. Thursday and Friday are regular workdays.