
Event Schedule

We have a packed agenda for this year's retreat! For planning purposes, we've provided a tentative schedule for each day below, along with links to all event venues.

Sunday, April 13

TBD - Will be confirmed soon Platinum Sponsors: Private Flight to Austin, TX
8:00-10:00am Platinum/Gold/Silver Sponsors: Commercial Flight to Austin, TX
10-10:45am Shuttles from Airport to Hotel Van Zandt
11:00am-2:00pm Check In at Hotel Van Zandt and Welcome Brunch at Geraldine's/Pool Bar
2:00-5:00pm Free Time
5:00pm Meet in Hotel Van Zandt Lobby for Shuttles
5:00-5:30pm Shuttle from Hotel Van Zandt to Aba / South Congress for Dinner
5:30-7:30pm Sponsor Dinner at Aba
7:30-10:00pm Drinks & Live Entertainment at Soho House
10:00pm Shuttles to Hotel Van Zandt
10:30pm-TBD Late Night Drinks (Optional) at Brass Poppy at Hotel Van Zandt

Monday, April 14

9:00-10:30am Breakfast at Geraldine's for Sponsors
10:30am-1:00pm Free Time - Optional Tours & Programming for Sponsors
All Attendees
8:50am-12:20pm Commercial Flight to Austin, TX
12:20-1:00pm Shuttles from Airport to Hotel Van Zandt
1:00-2:15pm Check In at Hotel Van Zandt and Welcome Reception at Geraldine's; Opening Remarks: Brent Crawford, Principal & Founder, Crawford Hoying
2:15-2:30pm Break - Move to Second Floor Conference Space
2:35-2:45pm Conference Welcome & Introduction of Dr. Bryan K. Williams: Tom Hoying, President, Brackett
2:45-3:45pm Keynote: Dr. Bryan K. Williams, Keynote Speaker, Consultant & Bestselling Author
3:45-4:30pm Break/Free Time for Sponsors
3:45-5:30pm Break/Free Time for All Attendees
4:30pm Sponsors Meet in Hotel Van Zandt Lobby for Shuttles
4:30-5:00pm Sponsors Shuttle to Inn Cahoots for Sponsor Cocktail Hour
5:00-6:00pm Sponsor Cocktail Hour at Inn Cahoots (Studio Bar)
5:30pm All Attendees Meet in Hotel Van Zandt Lobby for Shuttles
5:30-6:00pm All Attendees Shuttle to Inn Cahoots for Awards Dinner
6:00-7:00pm Cocktail Hour & Live Music
7:15-8:30pm Dinner & Awards Ceremony
8:30-10:00pm Drinks & Dancing, Live Music
10:00-10:30pm Shuttles to Hotel Van Zandt
10:30pm-TBD Late Night Drinks (Optional) at Brass Poppy at Hotel Van Zandt

Tuesday, April 15

8-9:15am Breakfast & Coffee on Second Floor, Hotel Van Zandt
9:15-9:30am Opening Remarks: Jeff Roberts, Chief Legal Officer, Crawford Hoying
9:30-10:15am Opening Keynote: Marcus Luttrell, Decorated Navy SEAL, #1 New York Times Bestselling Author & Host of the Team Never Quit Podcast, and Brent Crawford, Principal & Founder, Crawford Hoying
10:15-10:40am Meet & Greet with Marcus Luttrell; Break
10:40-10:45am Introduction of Development Panelists
10:45-11:30am Development Panel: Moderated by Matt Starr, EVP of Commercial Real Estate & Leasing, Crawford Hoying
11:30am-11:40pm Break
11:40-11:45am Introduction of Clint! Runge
11:45am-12:30pm Keynote Speaker: Clint! Runge, CEO & Founder of Arrival, a place branding studio
12:30-1:00pm Break with Heavy Snacks
1:00-1:20pm Meet in Lobby at 1pm for Shuttles to South Congress and Butler Pitch & Putt
1:20-4:00pm Shuttle from South Congress and Butler Pitch & Putt to Hotel Van Zandt
4:20-6:00pm Free Time
6:00pm Meet in Hotel Lobby to Walk Over to Fun Night Event at Banger's
6:15-6:30pm Walk to Fun Night at Banger's
6:30-7:30pm Cocktail Hour & Live Music
7:30-10:30pm Dinner & Drinks
10:30pm-TBD Late Night Karaoke - TBD - or Walk Back to Hotel Van Zandt

Wednesday, April 16

8:15-9:15am Breakfast & Coffee on Second Floor, Hotel Van Zandt
9:15-9:30am Opening Remarks: Bob Hoying, Principal, Crawford Hoying
9:30-10:00am Reflecting On 5 Years of Leadership Retreats & Introduction to Sebastian Terry: Jeremiah Thomas, Chief Operating Officer, Crawford Hoying
10:00-11:00am Opening Keynote: Sebastian Terry, Keynote Speaker & Best Selling Author
11:00-11:15am Break
11:15am-12:00pm A Look at the Year Ahead: Brent Crawford, Principal & Founder, Crawford Hoying; Bob Hoying, Principal, Crawford Hoying; Nelson Yoder, Principal, Crawford Hoying Development; Michael Hoying, Vice President of Brackett; Moderated by Russ Hunter, EVP of Development, Crawford Hoying
12:00-12:15pm Closing Remarks
12:15-1:30pm Lunch, Free Time, Check Out
1:30-2:00pm Shuttle to Airport
4:05-7:45pm Commercial Flights to Columbus, OH
TBD Private Flights